Ever since the Apparitions, the Shrine of the Virgin of the Poor is represented in various Marian associations and pilgrimage site coalitions. It participates actively in the European Marian Network (Réseau Marial Européen, RME), the Association of Shrine Rectors (l’Association des Recteurs de Sanctuaires, ARS), the Association of Marian Works (l’Association des Oeuvres mariales, AOM), and the National Association of Diocesan Pilgrimage Directors (l’Association nationale des Directeurs diocésains de Pèlerinages, ANDDP).
1. L’Union internationale de Prière (UIP)
3 times, during the Apparitions, Maria asked Mariette: pray a lot! The Union internationale de Prière (UIP) started in 1934, thanks to chapelain Louis Jamin. This UIP still exists. Their members commit themselves to pray every day the Prayer to the Virgin of the Poors, the invocations and the Rosary. They are specially invited to pray for the Church, their own diocese, the vocations and the sanctity of the priests.
2. The European Marian Network
The European Marian Network links 21 sanctuaries from different countries. The European Marian Network was formed in 2003 with the encouragement of Rome. The number of sanctuaries is the same as the number of decades in the Rosary. Under different titles, the Blessed Virgin Mary is venerated in every country in different ways and by different Christian confessions. May Mary help nations to grow in union with each other and bring unity between all Christians.
The Sanctuary Animators from the members of the Network meet each year to get to know each other better and, above all, to understand better the needs of the millions of pilgrims and visitors who frequent these Sanctuaries.
List of the 21 sanctuaries in the network:
- Altötting (Germany) – Our Lady of Grace www.altoetting-wallfahrt.de
- Banneux (Belgium) – The Virgin of the poor www.banneux-nd.be
- Brezje (Slovenia) – Mary Help of Christians www.marija.si
- Csíksomlyó (Romania) – Our Lady of Csíksomlyó www.csiksomlyo.ro
- Czestochowa (Poland) – Our Lady, Queen of Poland www.jasnagora.pl
- Einsiedeln (Swiss) – Our Lady of the hermits www.kloster-einsiedeln.ch
- Fatima (Portugal) – Queen of the peace in the world www.fatima.pt
- Gibraltar – Our Lady of Europa www.ourladyofeurope.net
- Knock (Ireland) – Our Lady, Queen of Ireland www.knock-shrine.ie
- Levoca (Slovakia) – Our Lady of the Visitation www.levoca.sk
- Loreto (Italia) – The « Santa Casa » www.santuarioloreto.it
- Lourdes (France) – The Immaculate Conception www.lourdes-france.org
- Máriapócs (Hungary) – Our Lady of Máriapócs www.bucsujaras.hu/mariapocs
- Mariazell (Austria) – The Big Mother of Austria www.basilika-mariazell.at
- Marija Bistrica (Croatia) – Mary of snow www.marija-bistrica.hr
- Malta – Our Lady of Mellieha www.mellieha.com
- Vilnius (Lithuania) – Our Lady of the Gate of Dawn www.ausrosvartai.lt
- Walsingham (England) – The Holy House of Annunciation www.walsingham.org.uk
- Zaragoza (Spain) – Our Lady of Pilar www.basilicadelpilar.es
- Zarvanyzia (Ukraine) – The Mother of God in Zarvanyzia
- Mátraverebély (Hungary) – Our Lady of Mátraverebély www.matraverebely-szentkut.lap.hu