Marie, Belle Dame
1. Dear Virgin of Banneux, in us you believe,
despite all our weakness, our hearts you receive.
R. Ave, ave, ave Maria (bis)
2. Your heart full of kindness, o Virgin, you smiled,
and confidence showed in a young humble child.
3. Where sin has divided and caused us to fall,
your chapel reminds us God’s call is for all.
4. Refreshed in your spring we are strengthened
to praise the Son whom you bore and the Father did raise.
5. It is for the suffering, the sick and the poor,
you came here especially for each to restore.
6. We all are the suffering, we all are the poor,
so lead us to Jesus your Son, we implore.
Listen to this song (in French):
Voici tes enfants
1. Virgin of the poor, behold your children,
you call us to come closer to you.
You warm with your love our hearts so worthless
by means of your smile so sweet, so true.
R. Ave, ave, ave Maria.
2. You come to relieve our ev’ry suff’ring,
your heart opens wide to great and small.
You give to the sick your consolation,
so great is your tender love for all.
3. You stood near the Cross, o holy Mother,
to show to your children how your love,
made strong by the greatness of your suff’ring,
can bring all the world to Christ above.
4. We call you our mother; your are near us.
Though weak, we in you our comfort find.
Give us now your help in tribulation
and show us your face so pure, so kind.
5. O pray for us now, o heav’nly Mother
and bring us all closer to your Son,
who reigns with the Father and the Spirit
in heav’n, while the endless ages run.
Listen to this song (in French):