Sunday 1st  May – Opening of the pilgrimage season

Sunday 1st  May – Opening of the pilgrimage season
Sunday 1st  May – Opening of the pilgrimage season Saturday from 8pm to 10pm : adoration. 8:30               Mass in French 9:30               Mass in German 10:30       International Mass with Mgr Delville, Bishop of Liege 11:15             Mass in French 15:00       Benediction of the Sick.  (international) 16:00                         Mass in French. 20H00      Candlelight procession. (international) Continue reading
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Season’s opening, 1st May 2018

Season’s opening, 1<sup>st</sup> May 2018

Videos of the celebration
presided by Mgr Jean-Pierre Delville, bishop of Liège

Entrance procession

Song of the anamnese, after consecration

Outgoing procession

Church of the Virgin of the Poor

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