Welcome to Banneux!

From January 15 to March 2, 1933, the Virgin Mary appeared eight times to an 11-year-old girl, Mariette Beco.

The message she left her is still relevant today.

Each year, hundreds of thousands of pilgrims come, alone or in groups, especially during Triduums of the sick, to confide to Our Lady their poverty, their suffering, their sorrows, their research. They come to confide in the Mother of the Savior, and to express their trust and their hope in Him who is the Source of all grace, Jesus Christ.

Even today, as she did for Mariette, the Virgin of the Poor guides each pilgrim from Banneux on the road of existence. She invites him to push the hands in the water of the Source, to draw true Life from Jesus.

Welcome to Banneux!

Father Leo Palm, Rector

Banneux is 25 km south of Liège

Last news

Thursday 15th August 2024 Assumption of the Holy Virgin Mary    10:30   International Mass with Mgr J.-P. Delville, bishop of Liège with african choir Kristu Bolingo      15:00   Benediction of the Sick    20:00   Candlelight procession
Anniversary of the Marian Apparitions - 75th Anniversary of the recognition of the Marian Apparitions
Christmas Sunday 24 December  6pm Mass in French Saturday 25 December   8:30am – 11:15am – 4pm Mass in French